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This website will serve as the hub for all things related to the public realm and land use plan for University Circle!
Martin Luther King
Jr. Day
Public Workshop
Public Workshop
Public Workshop
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This website will serve as the hub for all things related to the public realm and land use plan for University Circle!
Martin Luther King
Jr. Day
Public Workshop
Public Workshop
Public Workshop
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This website will serve as the hub for all things related to the public realm and land use plan for University Circle!
Martin Luther King
Jr. Day
Public Workshop
Public Workshop
Public Workshop
Help us plan the future of University Circle!
We are soliciting public feedback on what the future of Universal Circle should look and feel like. As we embark on a "Public Realm & Land Use Master Plan" we seek opportunities to hear from you regarding the enhancements and improvements you'd like to see in the District.
Help us plan the future of University Circle!
We are soliciting public feedback on what the future of Universal Circle should look and feel like. As we embark on a "Public Realm & Land Use Master Plan" we seek opportunities to hear from you regarding the enhancements and improvements you'd like to see in the District.
Connecting the Circle
What is public Realm?
Public realm is simply the space between buildings, that is accessible to the public. This space consists of everyday things such as sidewalks, street trees, to critical neighborhood staples like plazas and parks. The public realm is the space that connects us and serves as the stage for a variety of activities and programs. Some public space is meant to be used and some public space is reinterpreted by visitors and community members. How we invest in public space reflects how we seek to foster connections between one another, and so this plan seeks to invigorate the public realm of the district so as to honor and reflect the key institutions that compose it.
What is public Realm?
Public realm is simply the space between buildings, that is accessible to the public. This space consists of everyday things such as sidewalks, street trees, to critical neighborhood staples like plazas and parks. The public realm is the space that connects us and serves as the stage for a variety of activities and programs. Some public space is meant to be used and some public space is reinterpreted by visitors and community members. How we invest in public space reflects how we seek to foster connections between one another, and so this plan seeks to invigorate the public realm of the district so as to honor and reflect the key institutions that compose it.
What is public Realm?
Public realm is simply the space between buildings, that is accessible to the public. This space consists of everyday things such as sidewalks, street trees, to critical neighborhood staples like plazas and parks. The public realm is the space that connects us and serves as the stage for a variety of activities and programs. Some public space is meant to be used and some public space is reinterpreted by visitors and community members. How we invest in public space reflects how we seek to foster connections between one another, and so this plan seeks to invigorate the public realm of the district so as to honor and reflect the key institutions that compose it.
What is public Realm?
Public realm is simply the space between buildings, that is accessible to the public. This space consists of everyday things such as sidewalks, street trees, to critical neighborhood staples like plazas and parks. The public realm is the space that connects us and serves as the stage for a variety of activities and programs. Some public space is meant to be used and some public space is reinterpreted by visitors and community members. How we invest in public space reflects how we seek to foster connections between one another, and so this plan seeks to invigorate the public realm of the district so as to honor and reflect the key institutions that compose it.
What's in the Plan?
University Circle Inc. is excited to undertake a Public Realm and Land Use Master Plan to envision and plan for the future of University Circle. The Master Plan will touch on the following topics:
Community Vision & Goal Setting
Physical Conditions Inventory
Public Realm Activation Plan
Mobility, Transportation Management, & Parking Plan
Vision & Guidelines for Future Development
Action Plan/Detailed Implementation Strategy
University Circle Inc. is excited to undertake a Public Realm and Land Use Master Plan to envision and plan for the future of University Circle. The Master Plan will touch on the following topics:
Community Vision & Goal Setting
Physical Conditions Inventory
Public Realm Activation Plan
Mobility, Transportation Management, & Parking Plan
Vision & Guidelines for Future Development
Action Plan/Detailed Implementation Strategy
Harmony with
Harmony with
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Sign up for updates by providing your email address here.